Monday, 31 March 2008

Back to work

Well last week seemed to pass in a flash! I think I might have been asleep for most of it...

Anyway, I'm back to work now and back to a more normal routine, much to Tarka's relief. She does like to have a routine!

I did manage to get a bargain for my nephew's 7th birthday present on Friday, he wanted a Dalek Sec voice changer mask for Christmas but they were £30 which was too expensive. I found one in Waterstones for £7.50 - I hope he still likes it!!

Sadly, little Winnie guinea pig died on Saturday night. She'd been poorly for a few days and the vet couldn't find anything wrong with her on Friday, but she was definately worse by Saturday, and she died in the night. It's horrible every time I lose one of my small furries, but I was glad she went in her sleep, it's so distressing for them to have to go to the vets to be PTS. Winnie was a piggie I 'inherited' from a friend when she was unable to keep her. She was with us for about 2 yrs and must have been about 6 yrs old when she died. She was the noisiest piggy I've ever heard! Here she when she first came to live with us. Winnie is the ginger pig on the far left, in the middle is Olive who is still with me, and on the right is Tansy who sadly died not long after Winnie arrived.

And some of Winnie on her own.

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

A week off work!

We're on Holiday!!

Well, I have a week off work at any rate. Not going anywhere, I have plently to do at home to keep me occupied, although I seem to be doing a pretty good job of avoiding the housework that has stacked up over the last few weeks....

It seems to be lunch time already, then I'm going to walk the dogs, then I'm sure it will be too late in the day to start anything else!

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Dog dies in the name of 'art' - and it will happen again.

In 2007, an 'artist' called Guillermo Vargas Habacuc caught a stray dog on the street, tied it up on a short leash to the wall of an art gallery and left it there to die slowly of hunger and thirst. Over the next few days, the artist himself and visitors to the gallery watched impassively as this happened. Now the prestigious Central American Biennial of Art has decided that this was art and has asked Vargas Habacuc to repeat his actions in the Biennial of 2008. If you don't believe it, Google the artist's name. I have not included the link because it contains distressing pictures which I would not like anyone to accidentally see. Please sign the petition and circulate to as many people as possible.

There are two threads running on dog pages if anyone wants more info, it begins in Oct 07 after the original act of cruelty and has been resurrected in light of the new one that is planned.

The links for the petition and dog pages won't publish in this blog, I will add them to my 'links' section on the sidebar on the right.

There are other cruelty items discussed too in the dog pages threads, please be very aware before clicking any of the links, that you know what you are going to be looking at, as it seems they are very distressing. I have not watched them.

Monday, 17 March 2008

Welcome to our blog!

This blog belongs to me (Jackie) and my pets, Pippa, Tarka, Molly and Woody, and a few others who might pop in from time to time.

We hope you come back again soon!