Saturday, 11 June 2011


So, my old style blogger dashboard is back, I can put titles on my posts, and I just commented on another blog.... will it last?

The only difference was to uncheck the 'keep me logged in' button on the log in screen as advised on a forum.


(have edited to add post titles to previous posts.)


K-Koira said...

I was wondering about the "new dashboard" you mentioned, since mine hadn't changed. But, so far, *fingers crossed* I have managed to avoid any problems with posting titles or comments, though a lot of people are having them. Glad to hear you are back in business.

An English Shepherd said...

Yes blogger is still buggy with us as well :-)

Greg (Accessible Hunter) said...

its looking great

Jackie said...

Thanks Greg,

Unfortunately it's all gone wrong again. No titles, tiny window to type in.... you're on Blospot aren't you? Are you having any problems?