Saturday, 18 May 2013


May is over half way through. Summer should be on its way but its not looking very promising. Today has been the first time in about 3 weeks it has been dry enough at the weekend to cut the grass! I have spent a couple of hours this afternoon doing just that, and some general garden tidying too. In about a week it will look like I never did it. 

May Day was fun. We went to the local May Fayre and looked at all the stalls and the car boot sale. I bought a few bits but not much. 

Next weekend I'm hoping to do the Royal Windsor Trail Half Marathon. It'll be my first off road half, but since I run about ten miles mainly off road most Sunday mornings, I'm not too worried. It's footpaths along the river mostly, not major cross country running! 

Tonight is the Eurovision Song Contest. I'll be watching at home and chatting with friends online. I've got dinner in the slow cooker, and popcorn and beer ready. I might walk up to the fair at the park and see how expensive the candy floss is, just for a treat!! 

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